SEASON 3 of the contest "Heroes of famous paintings in the modern world" has successfully finished!
This is an annual event organized by ROSA company for students of art departments of educational institutions of Ukraine on their pages in social networks, where art students draw heroes of famous paintings, combine modernity with images of the past and compete for valuable prizes.
Despite the constant power outages and the lack of a calm creative atmosphere, this season we received 219 works from students from 27 educational institutions. We once again admire the strength of the spirit of Ukrainians, because, despite the horrors of the war in Ukraine and the difficulties of today, the thirst of young people for learning and creativity, for the beautiful and deep, inspires and fascinates.
We thank the students and teachers for their participation and invite them to participate in the contest next year!
We wish all students inspiration in further creativity, new interesting ideas, personal development, and new achievements!
The winner of the first prize according to the results of the ROSA team's votes is Viktoria Sharak with the painting "Soul of the War", Lviv College of Construction, Architecture, and Design.
Students of the Department of Design of Lesia Ukrainka Volyn National University were the most active in the 3rd season of the contest and they received 10 easels, 10 sketch boards, 10 palettes and a full selection of ROSA paints as a gift!
According to the results of the students' voting, the winners were:
Lesia Ukrainka Volyn National University:
1st place - Dariia Levchuk "Salvador Dali, Christmas Comedy" @o.d.a.r.k.a.14.08
2nd place - Dariia Kliui "War in the eyes of children" @lolo.lilollll
3rd place - Valeriia Kazymirov "Dictator" @loading0
Cherkasy State Technological University:
1st place - Anna Sukhonosova "Dali on the elephant" @anya.skhnsv
2nd place - Dana Chuprun "Medea" @s1naelisabeth
3rd place - Yuliia Tymoshyna "Even in hard times, we still have light in our hearts" @yulizer_tim
Lviv College of Construction, Architecture, and Design
1st place - Vika Sharak "Soul of War"
2nd place - Victoria Uhryn "Starry Night"
3rd place - Mariia Zaparenko "Victory Trophies"
Lviv Higher Vocational Art School
Sofiia Gulych "Elementary, Van Gogh!" @soni.c
Art Academy of Modern Art named after Salvador Dali
Victoriia Bartahova "Matrix of Time" @semichka
Winners from joint educational institutions:
1st place - Yuliya Starushko "Nowadays" Myrhorod Vocational College named after M. Gogol @yulia_drawss
2nd place - Solomiia Darmits "Angel's Lullaby" Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University @ssmdrix
3rd place - Kalenyk Mariia "Salvation Prayer" Khmelnytskyi Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy @marimokamoki
Volodymyr-Volynskyi Pedagogical College named after A. Yu. Krymskyi:
Lysyk Anhelina "A minute of farewell" @worringisssss
Oles Honchar Dnipro National University:
Eva Zhuravska "Frida on Vogue 2023" @ruth.img
It is nice that in the works of the 3rd season, you raised many different interesting topics - ecology, digitalization, and modern social life. We were also inspired by a large number of works with Ukrainian symbols, Ukrainian heroes, and paintings with a reinterpretation of Ukrainian artists, for which 3 more participants received ROSA Audience Awards.
ROSA Gallery professional art paint kits went to:
Dariia Kryvytska @d_a._.li "Lilies ver. 2022" Lesia Ukrainka Volyn National University
Badevskyi Vladyslav "Family in the basement" National University "Poltava Polytechnic named after Yuri Kondratyuk" @mister_racc00n
Nastia Ageienko "Persistence of memory 2022" Lesia Ukrainka Volyn National University @nastiaaheienko
More works can be found using hashtags on social networks: #artheroescontest and #arthc_ua
Once again, thank you all for participating in the contest! Follow the publications of ROSA on social networks and we are waiting for the 4th season of the contest "Heroes of famous paintings in the modern world"!
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