The URBINOINACQUERELLO International Festival in Urbino is an annual event that brings together watercolorists from around the world. The festival includes seminars, meetings, plein airs, demonstrations for high school and university students, exhibitions and workshops.
The focus of this Festival is the extraordinary artistic beauty of Urbino. Every spring, Urbino becomes a fascinating place for cultural and artistic exchange, as in the Renaissance, when artists met in the Duke of Palazzo Ducale.
In 2020, the festival "URBINOINACQUERELLO" takes place online. The project started during the Festival UrbinoInAcquerello 2019, when the national and international artists drew in the group "Drafts in watercolor inspired by the works of Raphael" in square Duca Federico in Urbino. After the 2019 festival, the artists were invited to create new watercolors for 2020 year.
The organizers of the festival, led by the charming Soha Khalil, have found a great way to show online works by artists dedicated to the life and work of Raphael.
Artists was given the opportunity to perform work in an individual creative manner, with portraits or elements of images and details of the works of Raphael, with its own interpretation of the landscapes of Montefeltro and Urbino.
n the framework of the project, many very interesting watercolor works by artists from all over the world have been created . In our selection we share some watercolors from the project "Rafaello 2020".
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The Urbino In Acquerello Association invites all artists to join the online project dedicated to the great Raphael Santi.
Make a short video in which you introduce yourself and tell about your work that you create for the RAFFAELLO 2020 project online. You can post your video on UrbinoInAcquerello's Facebook page.
We are extremely happy to be a partner of the festival "URBINOINACQUERELLO" and wish all participants to gain new experiences from participating in the online project, interesting impressions, new ideas, feel the healing energy of art through the unity of artists and cultures from around the world.
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