Materials for decorating, handicraft and hobby by ROSA are designed in trendy and the most popular patterns and colours. They will certainly give you the possibility to bring to life a lot of your ideas for either unusual gifts or cozy interior design or unique clothing pieces
ROSA TALENT Decorative Acrylics have over 50 bright, pure and pastelcolours inthe line.
The colour diversityintherangeincludesmatte,glossy,pearlescent and metallic shades and greatly contributes to designers individual and distinctive style. Waterbased acrylic paints are notable for their rich colours, strong adhesion and fast drying time. The creamyconsistencyofthepaintsperformseasyand smooth brushing. Acrylic paints can be diluted with water or mixed together in both cases giving new shades. Thanks to the durable water-resistant film formed once the paints dry, decorated items can be used in the household on a day-to-day basis.
Further water-based varnishing can be applied to the decorated items,which are constantlyused.The paints preserve their vividness and durability in the length of time. Acrylic paints are used in the vast majority of hobby techniques including decorating, decoupage, crackling, scrapebooking, or decorative painting.Theymake an essentialpart inthe range of materialsfordecoration.
ROSA TALENT Decorative Acrylics for decoration can be applied to such surfaces: wood, plywood, fiberboard, MDF, paper, cardboard, primed canvas, stone and brick. Hermetically sealed jars with a temper-evident cap preserve the original consistency of the paints and prevent them from drying. The paints are certified and safe underconditions oftheirintended use,thustheyaresuitableforchildren'screativity.
ROSA Talent acrylic contour liners are ideal for creating rhythmic, delicate, and unique patterns on various surfaces, including wood, cardboard, glass, metal, and fabric. These contour liners are perfect for various creative techniques such as decorating, scrapbooking, decoupage, and other types of crafts.
The contour liners are made on the basis of acrylic dispersions and retain the basic properties of acrylic paints. Once dried, they are water-resistant, remain flexible, and do not crack when the base is bent. Additionally, if desired, the acrylic from the contour liners can be applied with a brush, similar to traditional artistic paint.
The aluminum tube makes it easy and convenient to use contour liners. It allows you to control the pressure and paint output, enabling you to create even, neat lines.
To learn how to control the pressure and achieve clear, beautiful lines and dots, practice using the contour liners on a draft. If the tube is open for a long time and the writing tip is clogged, you can clean it with a thin toothpick.
You can easily use every last drop of paint from the tube by twisting it.
Трафарети самоклеючі багаторазові ROSA TALENT – це чудовий матеріал для швидкого нанесення однакових зображень, фонових або окремих елементів, на різні типи поверхні, без особливих затрат зусиль та часу.
За допомогою трафаретів ROSA TALENT як професіонали так і новачки легко можуть створити завершені малюнки чи окремі елементи з чіткими лініями, а також виконати дизайн повторювальних елементів. Трафарети ROSA TALENT призначені для декорування будь-яких типів відносно гладких поверхонь: тканина, дерево, метал, папір, картон, ґрунтована основа для живопису. Їх основа еластична та м*яка, що дає можливість декорувати округлі предмети та вертикальні площі.
Завдяки якісній клейкій основі трафарети ROSA TALENT щільно прилягають до поверхні та не дають нанесеному малюнку розтікатися, в той же час не залишають слідів клею по собі. Основа під декорування має бути абсолютно сухою. При дбайливому догляді: ретельному митті відразу після роботи та просушці, їх можна використовувати десятки разів. Трафарети самоклеючі ROSA TALENT – ідеальна річ в арсеналі декораторів, скрапбукерів, чудовий помічник для студентів та школярів, надзвичайно зручний матеріал в декоруванні з дітьми.
Painting a T-shirt is a fun creative activity and a fantastic way to add colour and uniqueness to your wardrobe.
Each kit includes a certain number of colours of special acrylic paints for painting fabric according to the design of the kit and a white ROSA Talent colouring T-shirt made of 100% cotton. With the proper fixing and care, a painted T-shirt can last for years. The painting process is fun and easy, even for children, as the contours of the design are already applied to the T-shirt.
Each kit includes all the necessary materials and detailed instructions for the painting process:
• a T-shirt with an applied outline of the picture.
• acrylic paints for fabric ROSA Talent.
• an artistic brush.
• a colour scheme.
• a transparent bag.
Sеt includes:• An ecobag with an applied outline of the picture• Acrylic paints for painting fabrics ROSA Talent• Artistic brush• Colour... Sеt includes:• An ecobag with an...
Sеt includes:• An ecobag with an applied outline of the picture• Acrylic paints for painting fabrics ROSA Talent• Artistic brush• Colour... Sеt includes:• An ecobag with an...
Sеt includes:• An ecobag with an applied outline of the picture• Acrylic paints for painting fabrics ROSA Talent• Artistic brush• Colour... Sеt includes:• An ecobag with an...
Sеt includes:• An ecobag with an applied outline of the picture• Acrylic paints for painting fabrics ROSA Talent• Artistic brush• Colour... Sеt includes:• An ecobag with an...
Sеt includes:• An ecobag with an applied outline of the picture• Acrylic paints for painting fabrics ROSA Talent• Artistic brush• Colour... Sеt includes:• An ecobag with an...
Sеt includes:• An ecobag with an applied outline of the picture• Acrylic paints for painting fabrics ROSA Talent• Artistic brush• Colour... Sеt includes:• An ecobag with an...
Sеt includes:• An ecobag with an applied outline of the picture• Acrylic paints for painting fabrics ROSA Talent• Artistic brush• Colour... Sеt includes:• An ecobag with an...
Key properties:• Excellent covering power• Smooth application• Hermetically sealed jar with a tamper-evident cap contact us Key properties:• Excellent covering...
Key properties:• Excellent covering power• Smooth application• Hermetically sealed jar with a tamper-evident cap CONTACT US Key properties:• Excellent covering...
Key properties:• Metallics colours• Retain their shape after application and drying• Designed with a convenient writing tip that allows... Key properties:• Metallics colours•...
Key properties:• Fluorescent colours:• Retain their shape after application and drying• Designed with a convenient writing tip that... Key properties:• Fluorescent...
Key properties:• With glitter• Retain their shape after application and drying• Designed with a convenient writing tip that allows for... Key properties:• With glitter• Retain...
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