ROSA Studio - For sketches, training, work in the studio 

ROSA Studio - For sketches, training, work in the studio


ROSA Studio art products are a perfect choice for studies, practice and work in the studio. We provide high-quality products at reasonable prices. 

ROSA Studio - For sketches, training, work in the studio 



    Fine Art Paints production is now аn integral part of ROSA company overall strategy. ROSA art paints are made and developed in Ukraine in our own state-of­the-art laboratory with the use of specialized equipment. The company's highly-qualified techno­logists work in collaboration with Ukrainian artists, who have been giving their expert opinion, construc­tive criticism and guidance during the process of paint production. 

    ROSA Paints include of watercolours, acrylics, oil and gouache colours and аrе represented in two ranges: ROSA Gallery is designed for professional painting and ROSA Studio is аn excellent choice for students and beginning artists.Тhe colour palettes for each kind of paint аrе carefully selected оn the basis of art methodology, thus all of them have the most preferable selection of colours. ROSA paints аrе produced following the traditional formulas. This ensures expected and desirable results when the paints аrе mixed. We use only high quality materials for paint manufacture. Special attention is paid to the development of each range and colour of paint, the final product undergoing severe testing.

    ALL this еnаblеs us to make products which meet artists' high expectations and demands. ROSA сатрапу cares about the preservation of paint quality in the length of time due to the principles we apply at every manufacture stage. These include thorough and constant quality control, testing how the colours аrе mixed together and how the paints work with mediums and solvents. The light resistance of ROSA paints is tested with the use of both traditional methods and UV chambers. 

    ROSA paints are intended to inspire artists of all levels to embody their creative conceptions. For this reason we are constantly studying world practices, contemporary art trends and artists' preferences to enrich the colour lines.


    ROSA production started in 1998 with the priming of canvases. For priming, we use only pure linen and cotton fabrics. Prime production is carried out with the use of high-quality materials and specialized equipment.

    Oil emulsion prime is made following the ancient formulas, while acrylic prime is produced on the basis of modern formulas.  

    Hand priming allows us to control the quality of the product at each stage and up-to-date technology is fundamental for the quick and efficient production of homogeneous quality emulsions.

    A wide range of ROSA Hand Primed Canvases meets needs of the most demanding artists. We offer a broad range of hand primed canvas rolls and modular stretchers to those who want to create their own masterpiece, starting from stretching the canvas on a stretcher and up to framing the painting. For those artists who are limited in time and appreciate a ready-made product we offer many types and sizes of canvases on a stretcher, including customized sizes if required. For the beginners as well as those who want to implement their design solutions we offer a wide range of alternative hand primed grounds: cardboard, fiberboard, canvas panels of square, round and oval shapes.   


    Асортимент пензлів ROSA налічує до 1000 позицій. Серед них Ви знайдете пензлі, які призначені для роботи в усіх можливих техніках живопису та декорування, їх висока якість задовольнить навіть найвибагливіших майстрів.

    Пензлі ROSA представлені:

    -          різними видами волосу: натурального (білка, щетина, колонок, поні) та штучного (синтетика, імітації: білки, колонка, мангуста); 

    -          безліччю форм: овальні, плоскі, круглі, кутові, віялові, лайнери тощо

    -          великим вибором розмірів, від №10/0 до №100;

    -          як на довгій ручці для живописців, так і на короткій ручці, для роботи в різних техніках розпису та декорування.

    Пензлі необхідно підбирати відповідно до матеріалу, з яким працює художник. Від обраного для роботи пензля та його якості залежить характер мазків та, в значній мірі, вигляд майбутньої картини.

  • Art books & paper

    ROSA paper products include notebooks, folders, watercolor pads and drawing pads.

    Each category has its own features and benefits. Notebooks and pads are extremely convenient and irreplaceable when working en plein air, in café, on the journey. At the same time they are ideal for home sketches and drawings. ROSA notebooks are valuable both for professional artists, and for students and amateurs. Folders with paper make up a good offer for art school students. ROSA paper products range is comprised of ROSA Gallery for professional artists and ROSA Studio for sketches, drafts, drawings and study.


    Strongly associated with fine art itself, an easel is an essential part of any art studio interior design. Year by year manufacturers are improving their design, construction and the quality of materials, as well as extend their functionality. To make our easels, we took into account all the demands and preferences of our customers – professional artists, students, and pupils. 

    Apart from traditional well-known features, our easels possess a number of excellent advantages: special design, an improved durable slider, large bars, and a magnetic clamp for paper . Easels designed and made by ROSA are of different kinds – studio easels and tabletop easels for work and expositions.

    Key properties:

    •  Environmentally friendly materials 
    •  Large bar sizes offer strong and sturdy base
    •  Easel attachment devices give more opportunities in the process of painting 
    •  All items are individually-packed to ensure safe transporting

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Showing 25 - 36 of 129 items
Showing 25 - 36 of 129 items