New: Pouring medium for Fluid Art from ROSA Talent!

New: Pouring medium for Fluid Art from ROSA Talent!

Meet the new product, that was very requested by you - pouring medium ROSA Talent for the Fluid Art technique!

The Fluid Art technique allows you to get unique combinations of colours and patterns on a variety of flat hard surfaces: wood, canvas, stone, and others. For this, we need only a few things: a base for the painting, several colours of acrylic paints, pouring medium, and, most importantly, your imagination!

Pouring medium ROSA Talent ensures the perfect fluidity of acrylic paints and prevents them from mixing with each other to create incredible combinations of colours in Fluid Art technique.
The medium reduces the density of acrylic paint, thanks to which the paint can flow over the base of the painting. It is easily mixed with acrylic paint to a uniform consistency, which allows the artist to control the process of diluting the paint and obtain a uniform colour. Choose a palette and the number of colours to work according to your taste and interior.

The medium is made of high-quality acrylic dispersions, becomes transparent after drying and does not change the tone of the paint. Improves adhesion of paints to the canvas. The mixture of medium and paint forms a strong layer of colour.

ROSA Talent liquid is available in two sizes:
500 ml
1000 ml

Main properties:
• Does not change the colour of the paint;
• Different colours of paint do not mix with each other when flowing;
• Combines with any acrylic paints;
• Combines well with liquid silicone;
• Does not turn yellow over time.

Pouring medium from ROSA Talent can be combined with any acrylic paints found in your creative workshop, the thinner the acrylic, the easier it is to mix with the medium. It also works great with other Fluid Art products (silicones). To create amazing effects and intricate shapes, you can use auxiliary tools: sticks, spatulas, and threads.

Who is this product for?
• Artists working in this technique.
• Studios holding fluid art master classes;
• Beginners in creativity who want to create a creative work;

Application method:
* Mix the medium before use.
*Mix the selected colours of acrylic paints with the medium in a ratio of 2:1 (medium to paint), each colour in a separate container. The proportion may vary depending on the thickness of the acrylic. The mixture should not contain bubbles or foam, if they appear, wait until they are gone.
* Carefully pour the prepared mixture onto the base. When the canvas is tilted in different directions, the colours of the paints will spread, forming incredible patterns.
* The drying time of the work depends on the thickness of the paint layer.
* After complete drying, the work can be covered with varnish.

Fluid Art is a special style in modern art that does not have specific plots. It is not necessary to be an artist to work with this technique. Everyone can create an amazing cosmic picture that will be a reflection of their inner world. The process of creating such work is a kind of meditation that fascinates, relaxes, calms, and gives an incredible result.

Create your own unique painting in the Fluid Art technique together with the Pouring medium ROSA Talent.


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