Translucent Vellum Paper with foil embossing „Hearts“ A4 100 g/m2 ROSA Talent

Translucent Vellum Paper with foil embossing „Hearts“ A4 100 g/m2 ROSA Talent

New product

Key properties:
• Semi-transparent tracing paper, weight 100 g/m2
• A4 size
• 3 stamping colours: gold, silver, red
• 4 motifs: dots, butterflies, lines, hearts
• Tracing paper is dense, holds its shape well
• Matte, non-slippery paper is easy to work with

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Tracing paper from ROSA Talent is used to create works in card making and scrapbooking techniques. It can be used as an addition or accent, as well as independently.

These special paper textures will add charm and mood to:
• Flyers, tags, bookmarks;
• Separators in notebooks, albums;
• Gift packages: boxes, envelopes, bonbonnieres.

Tracing paper is a semi-transparent white paper stamped in metallic colours that will add delicate, elegant accents to the work.

ROSA Talent tracing paper holds its shape well due to the optimal weight. The matte surface of the paper is convenient to work with tools for card making and scrapbooking.

New types of paper from ROSA Talent contain 3 stamping colours: gold, silver, red, and motifs that are already familiar to you: dots, lines, hearts, and butterflies. Collectible paper allows you to combine new paper and existing designs of coloured paper in one work, creating a finished work in the same style.

Properties of new products from ROSA Talent:
• Semi-transparent tracing paper, weight 100 g/m2;
• A4 size;
• 3 stamping colours: gold, silver, red;
• 4 motifs: dots, butterflies, lines, hearts;
• Tracing paper is dense, holds its shape well;
• Matte, non-slippery paper is easy to work with;
• Do not crack when scoring and bending.

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Data sheet
Brand ROSA Talent
Packaging Single
Format А4
Type of paper Tracing
Рaper density 100
Type of paper Unilateral
Product type Design paper
