Painting textile

1. Прання виробів з ручним розписом 2. Корисні поради для розпису тканин акриловими фарбами


35 colours of ROSA Talent acrylic fabric paints in size of 80 ml

With an increased quantity, the 35 supplementary fabric acrylic colours by ROSA TALENT, combined with the 5 basic...


10 new colours of ROSA Studio acrylic paints

+ 10 new colours of ROSA Studio acrylic paints, which will aptly complement an artist's palette! More opportunities...


Master classes by Ukrainian artists in Toronto

Наприкінці жовтня в Торонто відбулося відкриття виставки COLOURS OF UKRAINE, де виставлено понад 60 картин, які були...


More sets of watercolour paint in tubes from ROSA Gallery

Now available are not only the gift-ready sets of watercolour tubes in a wooden case but also compact 12 and 24-color...


A set of watercolours MODERN in a plastic case from ROSA Gallery

The palette of the MODERN watercolours set is a selection of unique colours that form interesting non-standard...

Showing 60 to 66 of 272 (11 Pages)