New Year blanks for decoration and stencils from ROSA Talent

Зустрічайте нові новорічні заготовки для декорування та трафарети від ROSA Talent для святкового настрою, стилю та...


ROSA Gallery Artists watercolour set of 35 colours BOTANICAL

The palette of the new large set of 35 colours for creating botanical illustrations is formed on the basis of the...


Uniсo by ROSA Stretched Canvases from now with gallery stretch and lightweight wooden stretcher

Already familiar to you Uniсo by ROSA Stretched Canvases now are made with gallery stretch! New Stretched Canvases...


A new design and updated palette of the Portrait art watercolor paint set from ROSA Gallery

The set is decorated with a bright authentic image of a Ukrainian woman, in which all of Ukraine is strong and...


Plein air Picturesque Fastiv 2023

Цьогоріч пленер "Фастів живописний" знову зібрав українських художників з різних куточків України: Вінниці, Кривого...


ROSA Talent felt sheets are back in stock!

Thanks to the optimal thickness and density, ROSA TALENT felt sheets are lightweight and convenient to work with. It...

Showing 78 to 84 of 279 (14 Pages)